ISMVL 2018
IEEE International Symposium
on Multiple-Valued Logic
on Multiple-Valued Logic
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Tuesday, May 15, 2018 | Workshop on Post-Binary ULSI Systems | |
18:00 | Welcome Reception | |
Wednesday, May 16, 2018 | ||
8:00-9:00 | Registration | |
9:00-9:15 | Opening | |
9:15-10:00 | [Keynote Address I] | |
Instantaneous and Near-Instantaneous Learning Network Subhash Kak (Oklahoma State University, Stillwater) |
10:00-10:30 | Coffee Break | |
10:30-12:00 | [1A. Quaternary Logic] Chair: M. Miller | [1B. Multiple-valued Logic Applications] Chair: T. Sasao |
Quaternary Generalized Boolean Bent Functions Obtained Through Permutation of Binary Boolean Bent Functions Radomir Stankovic, Milena Stankovic, Jaakko Astola and Claudio Moraga |
Application of Multiple-Valued Logic in Importance Analysis of k-out-of-n Multi-State Systems Jozef Kostolny, Elena Zaitseva, Patrik Rusnak and Miroslav Kvassay |
Quaternary Debiasing for Physically Unclonable Functions
Manami Suzuki, Rei Ueno, Naofumi Homma and Takafumi Aoki |
A Ternary Weight Binary Input Convolutional Neural Network: Realization on the Embedded Processor Haruyoshi Yonekawa, Shimpei Sato and Hiroki Nakahara |
Characterization of Quaternary Threshold Functions in the Vilenkin-Chrestenson Basis Ivan Prokic |
A Reconfigurable Arbiter PUF with 4 x 4 Switch Blocks
Elena Dubrova |
12:00-13:30 | Lunch (Symposium Committee Meeting) | |
13:30-15:00 | [2A. Multiple-Valued Functions] Chair: H. Nakahara |
[2B. Security and More] Chair: E. Dubrova |
Beyond Bits: A Quaternary FPGA Architecture using Multi-VT Multi-Vdd FDSOI Devices Sumanta Chaudhuri |
Systematic Intrusion Detection Technique for In-Vehicle Network Based on Time-Series Feature Extraction Hiroki Suda, Masanori Natsui and Takahiro Hanyu |
An Energy-Efficient Quaternary Serial Adder for Nanoelectronics Shima Sedighiani and Arman Kazemi |
On the Detectability of Hardware Trojans Embedded in Parallel Multipliers Akira Ito, Rei Ueno, Naofumi Homma and Takafumi Aoki |
On a Memory-Based Realization of Sparse Multiple-Valued Functions Tsutomu Sasao |
Mining Latency Guarantees for RTL Designs Jan Malburg, Heinz Riener and Goerschwin Fey |
15:00-15:30 | Coffee Break | |
15:30-17:30 | [3A. Algebra and Theory] Chair: N. Homma |
[3B. Reversible Circuits] Chair: M. Thorton |
Track-Down Operations on Bilattices Damian Szmuc |
Synthesis of Reversible Circuits Using Conventional Hardware Description Languages Zaid Al-Wardi, Robert Wille and Rolf Drechsler |
One Class of Maximal Binary Monomials Hajime Machida and Jovanka Vanja Pantovic |
Reversible Circuit Optimization based on Tabu Search Alexandre A. A. De Almeida, Gerhard W. Dueck and Alexandre Cesar Rodrigues Da Silva |
Commutation for Functions of Small Arity over a Finite Set Hajime Machida and Ivo Rosenberg |
Ternary/MV Reversible Functions with Component Functions from Different Equivalence Classes Pawel Kerntopf, Radomir Stankovic, Krzysztof Podlaski and Claudio Moraga |
A representation theorem for quantale valued sup-algebras Jan Paseka and Radek Slesinger |
Generalizing the Concept of Scalable Reversible Circuit Synthesis for Multiple-valued Logic Alwin Zulehner, P. Mercy Nesa Rani, Kamalika Datta, Indranil Sengupta and Robert Wille |
Thursday, May 17, 2018 | ||
9:15-10:00 | [Keynote Address II] | |
From Binary to Ternary and Fuzzy Logic in Molecular and Nanoscale Systems Konrad Szacilowski (AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow) |
10:00-10:30 | Coffee Break | |
10:30-12:00 | [4A. New Technologies and Applications] Chair: R. Stankovic |
[4B. Index Functions and Algebra] Chair: C. Moraga |
Logic Design using Memristors: An Emerging Technology (Tutorial) Saeideh Shirinzadeh, Kamalika Datta and Rolf Drechsler |
An Exact Method to Enumerate Decomposition Charts for Index Generation Functions Jon Butler and Tsutomu Sasao |
Amoeba-inspired electronic solution-searching system and its application to finding walking maneuver of a multi-legged robot Kenta Saito, Naoki Suefuji, Seiya Kasai and Masashi Aono |
An Exact Optimization Method Using ZDDs for Linear Decoposition of Index Generation Functions
Shinobu Nagayama, Tsutomu Sasao and Jon Butler |
Specific Health Examination Data Prediction for Female Subjects with Unhealthy-Level Visceral Fat Using Self-Organizing Maps
Naotake Kamiura, Takayuki Yumoto and Teijiro Isokawa |
Saturated Models in Mathematical Fuzzy Logic Guillermo Badia and Carles Noguera |
12:00-13:30 | Lunch | |
13:30-22:00 | Excursion and Banquet | |
Friday, May 18, 2018 | ||
9:15-10:00 | [Keynote Address III] | |
Bent Functions: Results and Applications to Cryptography Natalia Tokareva (Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk) |
10:00-10:30 | Coffee Break | |
10:30-12:00 | [5A. Design of Multiple-Valued Circuits I] Chair: Y. Yuminaka | [5B. Neural Networks Implementation and Applications] Chair: M. Perkowski |
Design of a Low-Power MTJ-Based True Random Number Generator Using a Multi-Voltage/Current Converter Shogo Mukaida, Naoya Onizawa and Takahiro Hanyu |
An analog-to-digital converter using delta-sigma modulator network Takao Waho |
Multiple-Valued Random Digit Extraction Micah Thornton and Mitch Thornton |
Efficient Hardware Realization of Convolutional Neural Networks using Intra-Kernel Regular Pruning Maurice Yang, Mahmoud Faraj, Assem Hussein and Vincent Gaudet |
Generating Synthetic MVL Benchmarks from Random MDDs under Restrictions Milos Radmanovic and Radomir Stankovic |
CNOT-Measure Quantum Neural Networks Martin Lukac, Kamila Abdiyeva and Michitaka Kameyama |
12:00-13:30 | Lunch (Technical Committee Meeting) | 13:30-15:00 | [6A. Design of Multiple-Valued Circuits II ] Chair: G. Dueck |
[6B. Circuits and Signals] Chair: N. Onizawa |
Design Methodologies for Ternary Logic Circuits Chetan Vudadha and Srinivas Mandalika |
Multi-Valued Signal Generation and Measurement for PAM-4 Serial Link Test Natsuki Sato, Takahito Chigira, Kohei Toyoda, Yosuke Iijima and Yasushi Yuminaka |
A Spectral Algorithm for Ternary Function Classification Michael Miller and Mathias Soeken |
Realization of Arithmetic Operators based on Stochastic Number Frequency Signal Representation Mohammad M.A. Taha and Marek Perkowski |
Synthesis of Multi-Valued Literal using Lukasiewicz logic
Anmol Prakash Surhonne, Debjyoti Bhattacharjee and Anupam Chattopadhyay |
Algebra of transient states of Postan signals Maciej Rudziecki |
15:00-15:30 | Coffee Break | 15:30-17:00 | [7A. Reed-Muller and Spectral] Chair: J. Butler |
[7B. Quantum] Chair: Lukac |
On the number of fixed points of the Reed-Muller-Fourier transform Tamas Waldhauser |
Multi-Valued Quantum Cascade Realization With Group Decomposition Michael Saraivanov and Marek Perkowski |
Generation of Ternary Bent Functions by Spectral Invariant Operations in the Generalized Reed-Muller Domain Milena Stankovic, Claudio Moraga and Radomir Stankovic |
Translating between the roots of identity in quantum circuits Wouter Castryck, Jeroen Demeyer, Alexis De Vos, Oliver Keszocze and Mathias Soeken |
On the Reed-Muller-Fourier Spectrum of Multiple-valued Rotation Symmetric Functions
Claudio Moraga, Radomir Stankovic and Jaakko Astola |
A Radix-4 Chrestenson Gate for Optical Quantum Computation Kaitlin Smith, Tim LaFave Jr., Duncan MacFarlane and Mitchell Thornton |
17:00 | Plenary Session & Closing |